If you want to go down the RCVJRNE route, there's a code example of how
that can be done here:
-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Alan Campin
Sent: 30. oktober 2013 23:28
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: Log file of file changes
I agree with Joel. .
What Joel is talking about is what is called a Temporal database (Based
on time). Everything is time stamped and you can always see what the
database looked like at any given time. In this case, you are taking one
To make it work you are going to need two time stamp fields, not date
fields, one for start and one for end. The first record written for a
given key always gets the current time stamp and the ending gets a null
0001-01-01-00:00:00:00000 value.
When the record is updated the end value is set to current time stamp
and a new record created with current time stamp for start and null for
This sort of thing work best with a primary key being an identity key so
that is record has a unique id.
If you can't do that journal make sense to me.You can also do journaling
in almost real time. Use RCVJRNE and write to your log file.
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