On 09 Sep 2013 09:19, Buck Calabro wrote:
SELECT odobnm, odldat, odltim, 0 as total
FROM myfile
where odldat = 090713 or odldat = 090813
select 'TOTAL', 9999999, 0, count(*) as total
from myfile
where odldat = 090713 or odldat = 090813
order by 2
A few comments about such a query; merely for edification:
Using a derived table expression in the form of a CTE limits the
specification of the predicates in the WHERE clause to just that one
subquery. Mostly beneficial for maintenance, if for example someone
changes the query statement source [for what is selected], they need to
make the change in just one place. That also allows for limiting the
number of [duplicated] parameter markers if the query gets converted to
use them.
The ODLDAT is CHAR(6). The values of that column can be blank. The
data in that second column of the result-set would be implicitly cast to
numeric due to the literal value 9999999 in the second subquery. While
the selection [theoretically] ensures the values are not blank, one can
not be sure that all selection will always occur before evaluating any
other expressions\effects of the query, and mapping a blank to a numeric
value is an error. The third column of the result-set will also be
affected by an implicit cast to numeric per use of the numeric literal
value zero being selected in the second subquery. While the ODLTIM is
also CHAR(6), and can also be blanks, the value should never be blank
when ODLDAT is non-blank. By reason of that same casting effect, the
second and third columns will appear as numeric values in reporting; the
character string 'MMDDYY' is probably preferable for readability, such
that the non-delimited value "90,813" is probably more difficult to be
inferred\read as an apparent date value as contrasted with ability of
the reader to see the non-delimited value "090813" as an apparent date
value. Thus the second subquery would best use character literals vs
numeric literals for the second and third columns.
However, instead of using character literal values for those columns
of the result set, probably better to use the NULL value cast to the
expected or otherwise compatible character type. The database NULL
value collates higher than any possible character string value [more so
than a string of all digits-nine], thus the ORDER BY is still satisfied.
The literal numeric zero in the first subquery is non-essential in
the appearance of the report, esp. given the first column is borrowed
for presentation of a label [identifying the row as a summary row], so
it could be omitted from the results or given a non-value. Three
possibilities I think would improve the above query:
- have the first query select the NULL value cast to a numeric to be
compatible with the numeric aggregate in the second subquery. Because
the detail rows have no /total/ per se, having the value zero is a bit
deceptive, and might better be the NULL value.
- select an empty string for the /total/ column and select the COUNT
aggregate cast to character in the second subquery; e.g. char(count(*)),
although included as a column, a right-justified value might be more
- borrow the time column [like the name column was borrowed to
provide a label] for the use of the /total/ by casting the COUNT
aggregate result to a character result consistent or otherwise
compatible with the ODLTIM column; e.g. char(count(*))
The IN predicate may be a better choice [subjective; I am surprised
though, that nobody ever mentioned it], over using two equal predicates
with the OR logical operator.
While we /know/ the contrived row is distinct, the query would best
have used UNION ALL vs UNION [UNION is synonymous with the UNION
DISTINCT]. If there were really a row matching the contrived row
[effectively impossible per use of the COUNT aggregate], then a row
would be /lost/ due to distinct processing. However the real issue for
the choice of UNION in that query, is performance; i.e. there is likely
no desire to effect distinct processing, so explicitly coding UNION ALL
ensures no distinct processing occurs.
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