× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

What about just removing F1 & F4 as push buttons?

I handled prompting this way:


(Notice the _*?*_ - F4 works, but it isn't mentioned and users don't much care.)

On 9/6/2013 9:49 AM, Michael Schutte wrote:
I'm certain someone has come across this before. but I'm having an issue.

I using the PSHBTNFLD keyword and I've added 4 commads to the push button

A PSHBTNCHC(1 'F1=>Help' CF01)
A PSHBTNCHC(2 'F3=>Exit' CF03)
A PSHBTNCHC(3 'F4=>Prompt' CF04)
A PSHBTNCHC(4 'F12=>Cancel' CF12)

The issue I have with it, is that when I click on either F1, or F4, I've
lost the field that I'm either asking for help on or prompting on.

I understand that when I click on the buttons, the Field Location is
returning PSHFLD1 instead of the field that the cursor was in... the window
cursor is also returning the location of where I clicked at.

Just wondering if anyone else has a solution other than putting multiple
push buttons next to the fields that I want to get help or prompt on. If
not, then I'll just remove the push buttons and not use them and go the old
fashion why of having the user press F1, F4 command keys. It's just that I
working on a new project and thought it would be nice to have the push

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