We get the msgw when using STRPCO but we ignore or cancel and the STRPCCMD runs ok.
Of course, we have no dumb terminals, all pc's and we don't allow the pasthru users direct access to our production iSeries. I don't think STRPCO is necessary to run STRPCCMD so I think I'll remove STRPCO from the pgm. We have it all over the place though, so it'll take some time to remove all STRPCO's from our pgm's.
As always, thanks for your help.
-----Original Message-----
From: rob <rob@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tue, Sep 3, 2013 10:37 am
Subject: Re: IWS4032 STRPCO can only be run from a programmable workstation.
I haven't used the SNA STRPASTHR in years. I use TELNET instead. I
efuse to use traditional naming for commands that are cross platform like
ELNET, PING, etc. So I couldn't tell you if it's STRTCPTNN or whatever.
Now, what terminal are they doing their STRPASTHR from? There might be
omething there to say "If you come from a 3197 then use a 3197 on the
arget system".
But here's a real big question: When you do STRPASTHR to another system,
hen you run STRPCO, then you run STRPCCMD, how does it know which PC to
un the command from? Because when I do
TRPCCMD PCCMD('dir >\dir.txt')
t acts like it runs. There's no foul message in the joblog. There's no
rintout associated with the job. Yet there's no \dir.txt file on my PC
houldn't these users use a session that's actually directly connected to
his system? And not use STRPASTHR or TELNET?
Rob Berendt
BM Certified System Administrator - IBM i 6.1
roup Dekko
ept 1600
ail to: 2505 Dekko Drive
Garrett, IN 46738
hip to: Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755
From: fbocch2595@xxxxxxx
o: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx,
ate: 08/30/2013 03:40 PM
ubject: Re: IWS4032 STRPCO can only be run from a programmable
ent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
hanks Rob, at this point I'm not sure what to do...I don't want a mess on
y hands...but thanks for helping me out.
IBM says to figure out what jobs are generating the 3197's and I figured
ut that STRPASTHR is creating 3197'2 but IBM can't tell me why STRPASTHR
s creating 3197's or how to make STRPASTHR create either 3179's or
-----Original Message-----
rom: rob <rob@xxxxxxxxx>
o: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
ent: Fri, Aug 30, 2013 3:25 pm
ubject: Re: IWS4032 STRPCO can only be run from a programmable
ry changing system value QAUTOVRT to 0 so you have to manually create
rtual sessions. If that doesn't stop them then rename the command
TDEVDSP to CRTDEVDSPX. This command gets ran under the covers.
, use a command exit point program. Whenever someone runs CRTDEVDSP and
ecifies a 3197 then automatically change it to a 3477.
course, if you are set to 24x80 and try to connect to a 3477 I wonder
at will happen...
ob Berendt
M Certified System Administrator - IBM i 6.1
oup Dekko
pt 1600
il to: 2505 Dekko Drive
Garrett, IN 46738
ip to: Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755
rom: fbocch2595@xxxxxxx
: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx,
te: 08/30/2013 03:07 PM
bject: Re: IWS4032 STRPCO can only be run from a programmable
nt by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
b, STRPCO runs fine with devtype 3179 and 3477 but I got a 3197 to run
RPCO by changing the display setting to 27X132 - which I got from that
nk you sent...so thanks for that link!
ut now...I have to figure out, if possible, how to stop 3197's from being
reated. Any ideas?
hanks, Frank
-----Original Message-----
om: rob <rob@xxxxxxxxx>
: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
nt: Fri, Aug 30, 2013 1:33 pm
bject: Re: IWS4032 STRPCO can only be run from a programmable
really do not think it's because the device types are configuring as a
7. I think you're barking up the wrong tree. What device do you think
y should configure as? What device type does it work from?
en again, google says I'm all wet. Look at this
b Berendt
Certified System Administrator - IBM i 6.1
up Dekko
t 1600
l to: 2505 Dekko Drive
Garrett, IN 46738
p to: Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755
rom: fbocch2595@xxxxxxx
e: 08/30/2013 12:58 PM
ject: IWS4032 STRPCO can only be run from a programmable
t by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Folks, we're getting this msgw on 3197 devtypes only and since we're
ng to keep running STRPCO for now...is there any way I can stop
DEV's from being created with the 3197 devtype?
nks, Frank
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