Nice. Thank you. I'll try to research that to better handle the
Held 922 messages in /var/mail/root
I ftped the file to another system
I did three ups tests. I suspect the Linux partition died on the first
try. On the IBM i partitions I got:
System utility power failed at 07/29/13 15:23:44.
System utility power restored at 07/29/13 15:24:01.
System utility power failed at 07/29/13 15:39:59.
System utility power restored at 07/29/13 15:40:39.
System utility power failed at 07/29/13 15:41:52.
System utility power restored at 07/29/13 15:56:13.
But in my /var/mail/root file I only see
(keeping in mind that my time is about 8 minutes off)
From root@hqlinux2.dekko-1 Mon Jul 29 15:15:49 2013
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Rob Berendt
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