× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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If I were writing brand new, I would make the database
multi-tenant by using a tenant or company ID.

That sounds quite vague. What is a multi-tenant database? Embed Tenant ID in tables, partitions, or schemas? If so, then you wouldn't be providing adequate separation and isolation of tenant data. If one tenant were to make an emergency call to restore data from the nightly backup, you wouldn't want to do the same for all tenants. Tenants hate the thought of co-mingling their data with other tenants.

It's not really that hard.  Why you complicate grasshopper ? :-)

It appears to me that the only level of isolation for tenant data that would work, would be to provide completely separate databases for separate tenants. That either leads you to separate virtual machine instances, or coming up with mechanisms for managing separate connection parameters for individual users. That leads to writing your own connection pool managers. How do you identify a specific user with a separate tenant? If User ID "JOE" is used by tenant #1, does that mean that the name (ID) JOE is unavailable for tenant #2? Tenants wouldn't like that.

Considering the stateless nature of Web interfaces, when JOE from Tenant #1 signs on to your web portal, how do you keep his "state" separate from that of JOE from Tenant #2?


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