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On 05 Apr 2013 15:16, Vern Hamberg wrote:
I see that there seems to be based-on information in the file
description of a view.

Parsing the FROM clause of the VIEW definition itself is not a trivial task like it is for parsing the list of FROM files in a *QRYDFN object exported to a source member using RTVQMQRY. The based-on TABLEs could be in a CTE, an NTE, in a reference VIEW, or in a subquery each of which may reference those others.

But there is none of that in SYSVIEWS, nor in QADBXREF, the table
named in the view, SYSVIEWS.

The information is available in the SYSVIEWDEP catalog VIEW which is based on the QADBFDEP which has the /file dependency/ information. Others had already mentioned that, so I snipped that part of the original message in my earlier reply about using a UDTF or stored procedure [for getting FLOAT scale]. I am not sure of the status of available of that VIEW on other databases however.

# _i IBM i catalog tables and views i_
The IBM i catalog includes the views and tables in the QSYS2 schema displayed in this section.
# _i ODBC and JDBC catalog views i_
The catalog includes the views and tables in the SYSIBM library displayed in this section.
# _i ANS and ISO catalog views i_
There are two versions of some of the ANS and ISO catalog views. The version documented is the normal set of ANS and ISO views. A second set of views have names that are limited to no more than 18 characters and other than the view names are not documented in this book.

So it seems only the DSPFD kind of thing will get this information.
As Chuck said, write a UDF or UDTF even.

The UDTF or stored procedure recommendation that I made was about a different issue for which the requirement was merely a "way of getting that value via JDBC"; i.e. getting the FLOAT scale.

Having to create a routine may not entirely meet the requirement stated for this VIEW dependency\based-on issue, because the means to accomplish the task must be "pure JDBC, and DBMS-neutral" manner according to the OP. Deploying the necessary routines to establish a SP or UDTF on each DBMS to be accessed, likely will not qualify as a "pure JDBC" implementation for the OP :-( because each DBMS would likely have its own implementation. On the IBM i each of the DSPFD, QDBRTVFD API, or a query of the SYSVIEWDEP catalog VIEW would suffice to implement such a routine, but what of other non-IBM databases that are unlikely to have SYSVIEWDEP and perhaps not offer anything else that gives that information?

Regards, Chuck

James H. H. Lampert on Fri, 05 Apr 2013 18:01:52 -0400 (EDT) wrote:
Which brings me back to the question of how to find a view's based-on
table(s), in a way that's pure JDBC, and DBMS-neutral.

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