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if it dropped that long I would think you would of had a message in qsysopr.

Checked the joblog for QTCPIP

Iseries/Nav might have some more info and or perf tools if you running them.

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 11:48 AM, Kirk Goins <kirkgoins@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Is there a place in the iSeries to pull the amount of time an Ethernet Line
has been up? Let's assume the system has been up for 90 days. TCP/IP has
been up the whole time, the line has been Varied On etc. So assuming it
has been exactly 90 days ( 129,600 minutes ) and say there was a Switch
problem that caused the iSeries Line to Fail for say 60 minutes until the
switch issue was resolved. Is there a stat buried that either
A. Says the line has been up for x amount of minutes
B. Says the line has been up since this date/time
C. or ???

Or do I really need to rely on an external program / device to get these


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