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A Google search got me to this - http://www.mcpressonline.com/programming/cl/the-cl-corner-understanding-the-chkkill-program.html

It's by Bruce Vining and is the 3rd in a series - links to the other 2 are here, so I've only given this URL.


On 10/12/2012 5:47 PM, Graap, Kenneth wrote:
Does anyone have some code that can be used with the QIBM_QCA_CHG_COMMAND exit point to control what *JOBD name is specified on the SBMJOB command based on some analysis of the job using the SBMJOB command?

For example, if a user's interactive job has something other than *NONE specified for the ASPGRP job attribute, then I'd like the exit program to change the JOBD parameter of the SBMJOB command from *USRPRF to some specific *JOBD name ... but only if it was *USRPRF. If the user specified something other than *USRPRF for the JOBD parameter then leave it alone...

I hope someone has done this before .... You could save me a several hours of trying to figure it out !


I know I can specify INLASPGRP(*CURRENT) on the SBMJOB, but I want to change the JOBD parameter of the SBMJOB command to use a specific JOBD name when a user's ASPGRP is something other than *NONE...

Thanx in advance.

AKA ... ??? or ???
Kenneth E. Graap
System Administrator
503.226.4211 x5537

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