I have a Ricoh Affinity printer (Dev type=*IPDS, AFP=*YES) which I cannot print within ½" of the top & left margins using AFP commands (box, line, etc).
However, an overlay of lines WILL print in the ½" margins - at the ¼" mark, which is where I need them to print.
Using AFP commands and an external printer file, EVERYTHING is shifted down & to the right ½".
I created an external printer file.
Most printers behave perfectly.
Must I code variable positioning for EACH AFP command to get this printer to behave as other AFP printers?
For example, I would like to code a BOX command as
BOX (.16 .2 10.5 8.31 *MEDIUM) to print a border around a page at ¼" from all sides.
Must I code as
BOX (&ULvert &ULhoriz &LRvert &LRhoriz *MEDIUM)
and move different values into the box corners to get this to work on all printers?
This seems really ugly and should not be necessary.
Am using FRONTMGN(*DEVD) to force a larger print area. Is this causing problems between printers?
Why do overlays print where a printer file output cannot print?
Are there any MARGIN type commands that will allow me to over-ride settings and use the entire page? Or at least offset from the same place for different printers?
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