Thanks .... after posting the question I found that setting in the IPL
attributes and I think you hit the nail on the head. It will be an easy
test for me to set this to *NO and then see if that clears up the
conflicts. I also found the QWCRIPLA API so I can see how this is set to
start with and restore the correct setting .... since I plan on doing this
on a customer's machine, you don't want to reset the value to something
that they are not expecting.
Rich Loeber - @richloeber
Kisco Information Systems
On 2/8/2012 3:43 PM, Jim Oberholtzer wrote:
It sounds a bit like your asking about the TCP/IP servers. If you need
to control that use CHGIPLA to stop TCP from starting with
QSYSWRK/QUSRWRK start and then start TCP/IP and the balance of the TCP
servers manually in the start up program per your needs.
A discussion of the IPL steps from LIC to OS can be found at the Info
center under Systems Management, Work Management, Reference, IPL System
reference codes. Until the system is at a point where the the start up
program runs there's not much you can do with it unless you manually
IPL, then you have a small amount more control... but I sense the start
up program is what your looking for.
Jim Oberholtzer
Chief Technical Architect
Agile Technology Architects
On 2/8/2012 2:31 PM, Rich Loeber wrote:
Does anyone know where I can find a description of the sequence of steps
and when they get processed during an IPL? I have some OS maintenance I
want to do during the QSTRUP program, some of which affects exit point
registration. I'm finding that some server functions are getting started
before I can complete what I need to do in the QSTRUP and the results are
not always pretty. It would help to know what is happening during the IPL
at each stage and what triggers each event to happen.
Rich Loeber - @richloeber
Kisco Information Systems
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