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On 09-Nov-2011 05:35 , sjones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Is there a way to know when a module was last used? If I do a DSPOBJD
the last used date is blank & days used count is 0. We think we have
some modules that are no longer being used & want to remove them, but
need to verify which ones they are.

Those attributes would suggest having never been "used", yet, for the purpose(s) for which that object type is considered to have been "used". If the unchanged source remains, presumably the object can be created again [from that source] if needed. Anyhow, for the object type *MODULE:

_Detecting unused objects on the system_
"When bound with another module or binding directory to create a bound program (CRTPGM command) or bound service program (CRTSRVPGM command). When updated on the Update Program (UPDPGM) command or Update Service Program (UPDSRVPGM) command."

When deciding if the object is obsolete [or otherwise eligible for deletion per "no longer being used", e.g. by DLTMOD], best to also consider other date-related details, like create, restore, and reset since an object created or restored just recently which might just be awaiting a developer request to UPDSRVPGM might be considered rude or inappropriate. Since that object has "source", the dates of the source [member] might be taken into account as well.

My preference would be that in general, the *MODULE objects were handled strictly within\by the CMS, and so the CMS libraries would be omitted from any non-CMS cleanup activity. The CMS would also know and should be able to report on the activity\relations for why the module was created.

Regards, Chuck

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