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A little additional information would be useful. The model number would be a great start!

It 'smells like' a model 150. Those had an IPCS card in there that could be used for Token-Ring or Ethernet support. It then actually ran a slimmed down OS/2 (Which makes the second time today I discussed OS/2. Whooda thunk it?) That card could also be used (I believe) to run WinNT or 2000 I can't remember which any longer.

There is no possible way that the internal card could be the actual system console. If you think about that for a moment, the OS has to be up and running to support the card but the card would be needed to support the console. So which comes first??? :-)

As to the 'other PC' I suspect that one is the actual console to this system though 'required for IPL' is a bit strong as most systems will perform a normal ('unattended') IPL without any console attached.

- Larry "DrFranken" Bolhuis

On 7/27/2011 5:50 PM, Jerry Draper wrote:
Just saw the strangest AS400 config ever and I'm wondering if this guy
needs any of this stuff.

It's running V4R3 and has two peculiarities:

1. There's a "integrated" PC card running Windows that serves as the
"console". In the back of the AS400 there's a VGA plug and another
cable that serves a keyboard and a mouse.

Can this be removed in favor of a dumb twinax terminal?

2. There's another PC running Windows NT that is required for the IPL.
The ethernet is configured to bring up this WinNT box.

Can this be removed and then config the ethernet adapter for LAN access?


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