For some reason or another, people here like to copy and paste text from
MS Word into green screen applications.
Maybe they think they are going to get bold and italics to print in a
QPRINT output file, who knows? Anyway,
what ever hidden characters are in Word's text, they are corrupting
records in physical files. Until now, I've been
able to write a simple RPG program to chain to the bad records and
delete them. This morning, I tried this and
received the error "decimal data error at statement A00009" and the
records won't delete. Nor will they delete
using the UPDDTA command. I get a "record does not exist" error. All I
see using UPDDTA are the three key fields
of the file and none of the other data.
Does anybody have another idea for a way to delete these bad records?
Aside from chopping off the hands of the people doing this, is there
also a way you can think of to check for
those hidden characters from Office products?
Bob Ostrowski | Senior Programmer/Analyst
11901 S. Austin Ave. | Alsip, IL 60803
T 708.293.4218 | F 708.293.6218
bob.ostrowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:bob.ostrowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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