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The generalized approach to this is as follows:

update MYTABLE set field1 = value1 where (keyfields) in
(select keyfields from MYTABLE
group by keyfields having [summary conditions])

With additional selection criteria, it would be:

update MYTABLE set field1 = value1 where (keyfields) in
(select keyfields from MYTABLE
where [selection conditions]
group by keyfields having [summary conditions])
and [selection conditions]

This would total each combination of the key fields and then update the sets that match your summary conditions. However, your case isn't the same, because you seem to be limiting the selection based on the key fields (you only want to update AA/EUR records, and only if the sum of the AA/EUR records meets the conditions).

In your case, it seems you just want to select the totals into some work fields, and if they match your conditions go back and update the records with a second UPDATE.


Hi group,

I have to update the status field of a group of records where:
A: The status is 'AA'
and B: The currency code is 'EUR'
and C: The total amount of the selection is less than 1000,00
and D: The total number of records selected must be less or equal to 50.000.

Record fields: Recid, Status, Curcode, Amount, Description

Total number of records is 1.000.000

I know that I can limit the selection with FETCH FIRST, and specifying the
correct status code and currency code can be embeded within the select
clause, but I fail to see how I can limit the selection with a total amount
as a limit for the selexcted records.

Can anyone show me how to aproach this?

Kind regards,

Loek Maartens.

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