I thought the newest entries on WRKJOB LAWCAO91 would be on the bottom but
they were on the top.
So here is what I see, and it seems to stop the writer after 29 seconds.
CPF1124 Information 00 10/11/10 15:45:53.113048 QWTPIIPP
Message . . . . : Job
192963/QSPLJOB/LAWCAO91 started on 10/11/10 at
15:45:53 in subsystem QSPL in QSYS.
Job entered system on 10/11/10 at
*NONE Request 10/11/10 15:45:53.114514 QWTSCSBJ
From user . . . . . . . . . : QTCP
Message . . . . : -CALL QSYS/QSPWTRM1
CPF1164 Completion 00 10/11/10 15:45:53.226929 QWTMCEOJ
QSYS 0147 *EXT
Message . . . . : Job
192963/QSPLJOB/LAWCAO91 ended on 10/11/10 at 15:45:53;
.029 seconds used; end code 0 .
Cause . . . . . : Job
192963/QSPLJOB/LAWCAO91 completed on 10/11/10 at
15:45:53 after it used .029 seconds
processing unit time. The job had
ending code 0. The job ended after 1
routing steps with a secondary ending
code of 0. The job ending codes and
their meanings are as follows: 0 - The
job completed normally. 10 - The job
completed normally during controlled
ending or controlled subsystem ending.
20 - The job exceeded end severity
(ENDSEV job attribute). 30 - The job
ended abnormally. 40 - The job ended
before becoming active. 50 - The job
ended while the job was active. 60 -
The subsystem ended abnormally while
the job was active. 70 - The system
ended abnormally while the job was
active. 80 - The job ended (ENDJOBABN
command). 90 - The job was forced to
end after the time limit ended
(ENDJOBABN command). Recovery . . . :
For more information, see the Work
management topic collection in the
Systems management category in the i5/OS
Information Center,
I asked our hardware person and he blamed the VPN that goes from our machine
to their devices.
But I tried starting a local writer and it did the same thing, and in
exactly 29 seconds.
Tom Deskevich
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