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Yes, mileage definitely varies with these offerings. I saw the info at timeshare400.com and just didn't take time to type it out. Thanks for the hard lifting!!

I guess there are options for an interested beginner to get his/her feet wet. Now if only we had tutorials and instructional materials that didn't cost thousands of dollars to get anywhere!! Or at least a simple way to find them. There are a couple current books from MCPress on modern CL and RPG, but not much more. I have to compare this to the wealth, it seems, of tutorials for MS' .Net flavors - lots of "how to do basic things".

I think I'm getting old!


Aaron Bartell wrote:
The timeshare400.com boasts of being able to compile back to V2R3 - ouch.
And it appears the most recent version you can compile up to is V5R1.
Netshare400.com went away and is now coming back a little, though Jon Ross
isn't pursuing it real hard from what i can tell.

The rzkh.de site appears to be more "with it" concerning recent OSes.
Anybody know what the exchange rate would be for that service in USD?

Aaron Bartell

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Vern Hamberg <vhamberg@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The single shared LPAR is already available through a couple shared
sites - I am on one from Germany (http://www.rzkh.de) - and it's free,
up to a certain limit. For more space you pay a few bucks. Brad Stone
used to develop his stuff, I think, on John Ross' shared box. One main
limit is security and other config stuff - you can't be given a lot of
freedom in such a situation. But you certainly can learn RPG and CL and
COBOL with API usage also quite available. You also might not be on the
absolute latest version of the OS.

Also look at www.timeshare400.com

Or google on "timeshare iseries"


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