Jeffry A. Kennedy wrote:
How do I find out what physical file is the base for logical
files ?
I have a bunch of OAKL01* LF files missing on my HA target box
(didn't get restored for whatever reason after our disk failure).
I would expect that the best approach would be to investigate the
condition(s) which led to those files not getting restored; i.e. the
"whatever reason" needs to be resolved presently, in order to learn
how to prevent that same condition in the future. A side effect
could be learning also, what needs to be restored in order to
resolve the current condition.
There would be an error message CPF3204 logged for each instance
of a based-on member or based-on file not available. The output
restore activity could be reviewed for those error incidents to
discover the names of the missing object.
A DR restore would typically have an additional RSTLIB performed
to recover, without actually taking the time to investigate\learn
the origin of the problem nor how to [plan to] prevent the condition
from ever arising. For example in the B&R Gd as noted in archived
With IBM i 6.1 provides a new capability to effect restore of a
logical file without the error condition [but in an unusable state],
with the additional ability to request reconnect of a since-restored
based-on file with its dependent logical file.
If the original system had been available & functional
[presumably not, per mention of disk failure] the following request
would show the type of relationship between, and the names of the
based-on and dependent files [substr used for report compactness,
but vitiate the query for any long file names]:
SELECT distinct DBFTDP "Typ"
, substr( DBFFDP, 1, 10) "DepLFname"
, substr( DBFLDP, 1, 10) "DepLFlibr"
, substr( DBFFIL, 1, 10) "BasedOnFN"
, substr( DBFLIB, 1, 10) "BasedOnLb"
FROM qsys/qadbldep
where dbfldp = 'TheLib' /* name the LF library */
-- and dbflib < dbfldp
/* uncomment the dbflib selection to find those files */
/* that will not restore on the first attempt of either */
/* *allusr or *nonsys restore due to alpha collating */
-- and dbftdp = 'D'
/* uncomment the dbftdp for only direct PF relations? */
/* I do not recall 'I','F','V', & 'D' detail\meanings */
Regards, Chuck
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