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No, VCP was for stuff outside the simple, but nice, checking available
within a command. For example, basic command source allows you to
for values like Y and N, and even convert y to Y and so on. But if you
want to check for values in a table you'd need a VCP. IBM uses a VCP
a prompt program to verify the name of the Domino server you want to

One of the things being overlooked here is the timing of the validity check.
With the scenario that the CPP does the validity checking (which in itself
*is* a very good idea), the result of an error is an escape message AFTER
the command has been entered.

In an interactive session, if a VCP detects an error, it issues a *DIAG
CPF0002 message, causing the command screen to be redisplayed, along with
the error, allowing for user correction "seamlessly." THIS, I think, is the
primary reason for having a VCP in the first place.

Dennis Lovelady
"The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to
watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting."
-- T.H. White

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