Thanks so much for your help. It turns out that I needed to change the
decimal positions in field PCT_OF_TOTAL. Once I went from 6,2 to 7,4 it
started working.
Once again, I really appreciate you taking the time to come up with and
post the code. I have downloaded it a will definitely take the time to
learn from it.
Terry Anderson
Programming Manager
Citation Corporation
Switchboard 1.251.867.5481 ext 212
Direct Line 1.251.809.2312
Fax 251.867.0525
Cell 1.251.363.4975
message: 2
date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 21:38:33 -0400
from: "Dennis Lovelady" <iseries@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Formatting a Cell as a Percent using POI.
The field is set up as follows:
The field is calculated as follows:
It is placed on the sheet as follows:
hssf_num ( row: 3 : PCT_OF_TOTAL : Percents);
Are you saying that I should use a data type other than decimal?
Hmmm... not saying that at all. I usually do this as a formula, so
that if someone modifies one of the cells on which the percentage is
based, all will adjust... and that looks like this:
hssf_formula(row: colnbr: hssf_cellName(RN:colnbr-1) + '/'
+ hssf_cellName(RN:colnbr-2): pctCell) ;
I don't see anything you are doing wrong, though. When I finish my
workday, I'll try to throw together a sample using your code, and see
what I can come up with. Best I can offer at present.
The program at will, with the right headers
and service program, produce the output you desire. I don't see
anything wrong with your program, but then again I don't see your entire
Is it possible for you to put your program into debug mode, break at
hssf_num's first line and to see what's in your percentage variable (the
value RECEIVED by HSSF_NUM procedure; not the external one that's passed
in... in the sample below, it would be "Number")? I'm thinking the
problem you cite actually is prior to calling hssf_num... or perhaps
hssf_num is not defined correctly? Here's mine:
P hssf_num B Export
D hssf_num PI
D Row like(HSSFRow)
D Col 5I 0 value
D Number 8F value
D Style like(HSSFCellStyle)
D Cell S like(HSSFCell)
Cell = HSSFRow_createCell(Row: Col) ;
HSSFCell_setCellType(Cell: CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) ;
HSSFCell_setCellValueD(Cell: Number) ;
HSSFCell_setCellStyle(Cell: Style) ;
hssf_freeLocalRef(Cell) ;
P hssf_num E
Dennis Lovelady
"Nature gave man two ends - one to sit on and one to think with. Ever
since then man's success or failure has been dependent on the one he
used most."
-- George R. Kirkpatrick
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