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A couple of questions back, what version and release are you on? I remember
a while back on an older release it did not like *fromfile even though it
was an option, fix by a ptf later.

Did you use bin when doing the ftp?

In a message dated 9/26/2009 9:01:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
terryrichardsonvt@xxxxxxxxx writes:

Good morning-

I'm attempting to add a .bin file containing a PTF to an image catalog.
getting the following:


Function not supported by file system.

Image catalog entry not added to image catalog IMG01.

Message ID . . . . . . : CPFA0AD Severity . . . . . . . : 40

Message type . . . . . : Diagnostic

Date sent . . . . . . : 09/26/09 Time sent . . . . . . :

Message . . . . : Function not supported by file system.

Cause . . . . . : An attempt was made to use a function which was not

supported by the file system for path SI28425_1.bin. The path selected
not be valid for the function, or it may not be in the same file system.

Recovery . . . : Check the path name for accuracy. You may need to use

another path for the operation. Check the job log for possible

The CCSID of the .bin file is 819, could that be the problem? I downloaded
this PTF from Fix Central to my laptop, FTP'd it to the server (which I
open via Citrix) and then FTP'd the .bin file to the IFS on their i5.

Terry Richardson
Hendrickson & Associates, LLC
(802) 879-1061
(802) 598-0694 (mobile)

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