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Actually, I think it's uncommon for people to journal data.
1 - They seem to remember that under CPF 1 on the S/38 (or some earlier
machine) that it had a negative performance impact.
2 - You have to manage them. Or tell the system to manage them. Leaving
them out there forever can eat space.
3 - Changing their programs to use commitment control is not going to
happen because it would involve making a change to a program that they've
happily been using since the S/32 with only minor changes.

I had to drag the boss here into using journalling. His last postponement
was waiting until we got Mimix installed. Now that we have it everyone
loves it and they keep a SIGNIFICANT amount of journal data. 77 days
worth. Something about they really want to be able to look over two month
ends - 3 if you time it right. Sets a pattern...

Our ERP vendor doesn't use commitment control, RI, constraints or anything
else like that. They won't even use a primary key on their physical

Rob Berendt

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