× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Just in general, the hackers don't normally care what anyone makes. So
even if you do nothing but stamp out common washers, only run ERP and all
accounting and payroll software is done on a different box (so no
financial, bank account information, SSN's, etc) doesn't matter. All they
care is can they use you to store ftp data on and retrieve it also, and
can they relay SMTP off of you (and perhaps some other stuff).

Sounds like Bob has some of this addressed. He has some work to do.

To not send passwords in the clear when you use telnet you should either
use VPN or SSH.
Alas, we do send them in the clear internally but require VPN externally.
FTP we mostly send in the clear, but we only use FTP via the internet for
stuff like our personnel's retirement information, customer orders and
trivial data like that. :-( I do have this project on my list from our
#1 customer dealing with securing our FTP. Oh well, one of these days...
Boss wants his Blackberry to do Sametime first, and ..., and ..., and ...

Just ran a STRCMNTRC and logged on via a 5250 screen. Tried to scan for
my password but it wrapped. Found it though, way off in the right in the
human readable information:
*.....| ."..........N...........

Changed it here before posting. But basically, anything you can see with
STRCMNTRC any basic sniffer program can see. Like your neighbor at the
local wireless cafe as you telnet in and sip your espresso. But if you
wrap that with SSH then it pretty much requires a CRAY or Blue Gene to
figure it out.

Rob Berendt

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