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sjl wrote:

Thanks for the suggestions. The file is the JDE General Ledger
detail (F0911).

How about this solution:

There is not currently a logical file containg the fields
necessary for optimizing the SQL if used, so I'm going to
recommend that we

1) Build either a new logical file or create a SQL index, and
2) Replace the CPYF with an RPGIV program with embedded SQL to
perform the copy, passing the variable values via JDE's Dream
Writer processing options.

Consider that an index has run-time implications for MAINT() of the access path of the logical file. For a quarterly report, it might be best to let the optimizer [choose to] build the access path when the query runs, or to schedule its creation in off-hours in some day(s) prior to running the report. Changing the maintenance to *RBLD after it is created and tested, and then changing again from *RBLD back to MAINT(*IMMED) instead of creating the file enables the access plan to keep reference to the file until the next time the embedded query runs.

Without cardinality and how the index would be used in selection, one can only assume if the choice of what LF will be created, might be worthwhile; i.e. can not comment on its worth in the proposed, without more information. Thus only tested for actual effect, which of course would still be advisable & expected.

Regards, Chuck

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