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Excellent point, Walden. I have to remind myself that this is really a measure of the web, not of the web users. You can imply a supply and demand relationship to infer more hits, but that's a slippery slope. Suffice to say as you have that the site indicates more pages available.

Also, look here: http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/tpci_definition.htm

You can see that TIOBE specifically removes hits on "role" (but not "rocket" <grin>).

the demand for RPG has skyrocketed, relatively speaking,

An interesting chart indeed. However, I would disagree with the
statement that the "demand" for RPG has skyrocketed; rather the
"popularity" of RPG* has skyrocketed. Given that the site says "Google,
MSN, Yahoo!, and YouTube are used to calculate the ratings" what's
really happening is that there is more information about RPG on the web
-- and that's a good thing! More people bogging, more people writing,
more people commenting == more "popular".


* Unless of course they're not removing the popularity of
Role-Playing-Games and Rocket-Propelled-Grenades! :-)

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