× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I am trying to get Jasperserver to work with DB2/400 and Jasper is causing a "CPD4392 Attributes of value number 2 in field HVR0002 not valid" error to occur in one of the QZDASOINIT jobs followed by an SQL0901 error. The joblog also shows...

Attributes of value number 2 in field HVR0002 not valid.
QDT@:80000000 00000000 1dd01517 ec4a8df0
WSQCQDT@:80000000 00000000 1dd01517 ec4a8df0
WSQPAS@: 80000000 00000000 1dd01517 ec000a00
PACKAGE NAME IS in library
Dump output directed to spooled file 2, job 208239/QUSER/QZDASOINIT
created on system AS400ADM on 03/16/09 08:16:17.

The spool dumps are not much help. I did find this article from a few years back about deleting QZDAPKG to fix this problem. http://www.itjungle.com/fhg/fhg091306-story03.html
I have other jobs using JDBC and OLEDB connections without problem and since there is only one QZDAPKG file on the system I would suspect it is used with all external database requests not just the ones coming from Jasper yet Jasper is the only one generating the error. I can tell from the dumps that Jasper is trying to get a list of tables from a library at the time the error occurs and our other JDBC jobs do not query SQL for a list of available tables or columns.

Has anyone had to do this recently and is deleting the QZDAPKG file as save as the article makes it sound? Is it something I could safely add (one time) to my nightly save routing to do the delete in the middle of the night and be sure things will start ok after the backup ends?

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