× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I often wonder how many complaints about the database would be resolved
with a few simple good views.

User: Why do I have to join this to that? Why do I have to convert this
stupid number to a date? Why do I have to calculate on hand as opening
balance + receipts + adjustments - issues?
Programmer A: Query tools are evil. Use the existing reports. If you
insist on using your query tool you'll just make bad business decisions
because you're an idiot and sliced and diced the data wrong.
Programmer B: Take this here existing query, copy it and change what you
Programmer C: Let me create a view that joins those files for you,
converts that to a date automatically, and calculates the on hand for you.
As a side benefit I'll even change some of the field names to something
that makes sense.
Programmer A: You can't do that! I remember on the original S/38 that if
I added a view it added 1/2 second processing time to a million record
update! Never mind that we are now running a 570 with an average response
time of well under a second and our month end close runs in 5 minutes.
Programmer B: I agree - you can't do that! What if we upgrade our vendor
software? How will we remember to fix the view? Never mind that we
already have customized half of the vendor supplied programs and will have
to fix those already. Somehow we'll just "know" to fix the programs - but
views also??? And, never mind that the vendor is running 8.3.3 and we're
still running version 2.1 from 1985 (converted over from the S/34) so what
are the odds that we'll ever upgrade.
User: Quit your bellyaching. I'll just replace the system with this neat
PC based system. I'm sick of your (expletive deleted).

Rob Berendt

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