Alan Shore wrote:
Is it possible to call a subprocedure from a service program from within a
CL (or CLLE) program?
I thought CALLPRC was the thing to use, but it definitely is not working.
It is. Can you be more specific about how it is not working? Is it
failing at compile, bind, or run time?
Here is an example:
------- CL --------------
DCL &message *CHAR LEN(150)
DCL &messageLen *INT LEN(4)
DCL &messageV *CHAR LEN(1002)
CHGVAR var(&message) value('Message changed to +
protect the innocent')
CHGVAR var(&messageLen) value(150)
CALLPRC prc(UTRMSTRING_makeVarying) +
parm((&message) (&messageLen) (&messageV))
------- CL --------------
------- Procedure prototype --------------
D* Procedure name: UTRMSTRING_makeVarying
D* Purpose: Create a VARYING character variable to pass to RPG
D* Returns: Trimmed length of string, < 0 if error
D* Returns: Trimmed length of string, < 0 if error
D* Parameter: inputString => The string to convert to VARYING ...
D* character
D* Parameter: inputLength => Length of the input variable
D* Parameter: outputString => The string in VARYING character
format ...
D* Unpredictable results will occur if
the variable ...
D* you pass is shorter than inputLength + 2.
D UTRMSTRING_makeVarying...
D PR 10I 0
D inputString 65535A CONST
D inputLength 10I 0 CONST
D outputString 65535A VARYING
------- Procedure prototype --------------
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