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I agree with Lukas, all of these are necessary and the disk space sacrificed for them isn't enough to worry about these days.

You will find that each version of software that uses Java will have a different requirement for a version of Java and, although that means you may have to configure some environment variables to accommodate them, having multiple Java versions already installed can save some time and frustration. There are some programs that are compiled for Java 1.4 that won't run in Java 5 or 6 and vice a versa, so hang on to these things, you may need them.


nike @dslextreme.com wrote:
Hi All,

In reviewing our Licensed Programs after our upgrade to V6R1, I noticed that
we have a lot of Java-related Licensed Programs.

5761JV1 *COMPATIBLE IBM Developer Kit for Java
5761JV1 *COMPATIBLE Java Developer Kit 1.4
5761JV1 *COMPATIBLE Java Developer Kit 5.0
5761JV1 *COMPATIBLE J2SE 5.0 32 bit
5761JV1 *COMPATIBLE J2SE 5.0 64 bit
5761JV1 *COMPATIBLE Java Developer Kit 6
5761JV1 *COMPATIBLE Java SE 6 32 bit
5761JV1 *COMPATIBLE Java SE 6 64 bit
This leads me to a few questions:
1) How can I tell which Java environment will be used by default?
2) Do we really need to have 4 JDKs and 4 SEs?
3) If not, is it safe to only keep the version 6 releases?
4) I know I read something about the 64 bit version being slower than the
32 bit, I assume the 64 bit can go away too?

I did some searching and did not find any info on dependencies, etc...


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