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I'll let someone who knows the tech specifics answer the main question, but
you did tell your BP to get his paperwork out, didn't you?

R Bruce Hoffman
eries-admin.net> To
Sent by: Midrange Systems Technical
midrange-l-bounce Discussion
s@xxxxxxxxxxxx <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

04/11/2008 12:55 Subject
PM 525 processors vs. HMC

Please respond to
Midrange Systems

Ok. So a 525 shows up, ready to partition.
We create a new plan on the HMC and the HMC inventories the machine.
We export to SPT and while setting up the partitions we notice something...

We ordered the machine with 1 active processor. The system plan gathered
from inventory by the HMC says there are 2 active processors.

The BP can't remember, but he thinks it was ordered with 1 active.

Question. How can I tell for sure how many processors are active on this
525 before I commit a plan to it?

ps. I am 400 miles away from the box on the remote console.

"Suppose you were an idiot...
And suppose you were a member of Congress...
But I repeat myself."
- Mark Twain

R Bruce Hoffman

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