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And thanks for sharing that with the rest of us, Terry.
Many of us must have been following this post with interest.

I reckon if anyone finds their needle in that giant haystack called archives, it's worth reposting for everyone.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Terry Anderson
Envoyé : mardi 4 décembre 2007 21:43
À : midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : RE: Strange behavior when calling subprocedure from CL.

Once Charles told me about EXTPROC, I did a Google search and came across http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l/200312/msg00783.html. It is one of your old post with an example of how to set up the prototype using EXTPROC so, thanks twice. ;-) Once for the old post and once for the new one. Both are now in my "gotcha" folder.

Terry Anderson
Programming Manager
Citation Corporation
Switchboard 1.251.867.5481 ext 212
Direct Line 1.251.809.2312
Fax 251.867.0525
Cell 1.251.363.4975

message: 4
date: Tue, 04 Dec 2007 12:25:10 -0600
from: Scott Klement <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Strange behavior when calling subprocedure from CL.

Hi Terry,

It has to do with differences in the way RPG and CL interpreted the
ILE spec. ILE CL and ILE C both pass 1 character return values as
binary integers. They use C's widening rules, etc. However, when
the return values are 2 bytes or larger they are passed as character

ILE RPG and COBOL, however, always pass them as character strings
(which, somewhere under the covers, uses a pointer and that's where
your error comes from.)

RPG has EXTPROC keywords for the prototype that change this behavior.
If you specify EXTPROC(*CL:'MYPROCNAME') or
EXTPROC(*CWIDEN:'MYPROCNAME') RPG will change it's passing convention
to match that of C or CL, and that will solve the problem.
However, if
you do this, you need to recompile and rebind any existing RPG code
that calls the service program so that they, too, will use the new
parameter passing method.

If changing the callers to use EXTPROC is too big of a hassle (For
me, it has been for several service programs -- I don't want to
change 2500 calling routines!) there's a workaround on the CL side of

Just declare the return value as being two characters instead of one:



Because character variables that have a length of 2 (or higher) are
passed as character strings in CL (just like RPG) the preceding code
will not cause the pointer error. Even though the RPG program
returns only 1 char, the CL program receives two, making them
compatible. You then use %SST to ignore the 2nd character, since it
serves no purpose (other than making the calling convention

Again, you don't have to use this workaround if you use
EXTPROC(*CL:'MYPROC') on the RPG side. EXTPROC(*CL is, IMHO, more
elegant because the "next guy" will find it easier to read and
understand and can go to the manual to see what it does. But in a
situation where you can't change the RPG side without breaking
compatibility, using the 2-char CL rtnval approach makes things work
properly without changing the RPG end of things.

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