Tom, Scott,
Bingo! defining RTNVAR as *INT did the trick. The pre V5R1 method of
RTNVAR(%bin(&hexinteger)) still works, too.
I'd have never thought to code the %bin inside of the RTNVAR(). Dunno,
guess I'd rather look at two lines of code because an array of nested
parens is harder to read and maintain six-months after I've totally
forgotten the details of a particular program.
But coding it that way must tell the calling mechanism to behave
differently because RTNVAR(%bin(&hexinteger)) is definitely not the same
as looking at the %bin() of RTNVAR(&hexinteger). And not just because
RTNVAR(&hexinteger) needs to be viewed as hex data, the chunk o' memory
returned to the CLLE program is literally different.
Many thanks, JK
On Wed Oct 10 15:49 , Tom Liotta sent:
johnking@xxxxxxx wrote:
> I know that CLLE doesn't exactly understand integers, but I was under
> impression that RTNVAR could be retrieved in a *CHAR variable and
treated with
> the %bin() function.
> Any suggestions will be most welcome. JK
My first suggestion would be that ILE CL has understood *INT
variables for a while now. If you're working in V5R1 or earlier,
then I understand. I'm no longer certain about V5R2, though I can
compile on V5R3 back to V5R2 and use *INT variables.
> DCL &SQLStmt *CHAR 1024
> DCL &hexinteger *int 4 <=== Change to *INT (4)
> ChgVar &SQLStmt ('select count(*) from SOMETABLE where
If that change can't be made, my coding used to be like this:
> DCL &SQLStmt *CHAR 1024
> DCL &hexinteger *CHAR 4
> ChgVar &SQLStmt ('select count(*) from SOMETABLE where
> RTNVAL( %bin( &HEXINTEGER ) ) <=== Change to add %BIN()
The %bin() BIF always did the appropriate work to give a *CHAR 4
result. I never looked into why it worked as it did. It somehow
always seemed backwards. But since it worked, I had no reason to
look beyond it.
Tom Liotta
Tom Liotta
The PowerTech Group, Inc.
19426 68th Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032
Phone 253-872-7788 x313
Fax 253-872-7904
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