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Rich Loeber wrote:

For years I have used this data area, which appears in QGPL and in
QUSRSYS, to determine the installed version of OS on the system. Does
anyone know if this is rock solid reliable?

Another method would be to create an object in QTEMP and then retrieve
the object attributes, but that is not as easy as a simple check of the
data area.


I've also used QSS1MRI for years and have never seen an issue. However, I use the APIs first.

What I tend to use the *dtaara for is a little different -- I use it as the target of a *DDM *dtaara so I can quickly detect the VRM on a remote system where no known program is yet installed. Because that's always a simple 'discovery' phase, it can be easily handled if not available. I.e., it's a time-saver when it works and it's not crippling if it doesn't.

Tom Liotta

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