× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

>> When the alarm goes off -->> LEAVE!

About 5 years ago, we modified the existing water sprinklers in our computer
room and added an Inergen system (Nitrogen, Argon, Carbon DiOxide). Now, the
water pipes are not charged until after the Inergen system discharges and then
the sensors still think there is a fire.

We had a situation where the building fire alarm triggered and we all left. The
fire dept came and requested my manager and sys admin accompany them back to
the computer room. They had not dealt with our type of system before. The main
fire alarms were still going off while manager, fire chief and fireman entered
the computer room to look for the problem. The main fire panel said the problem
was in our computer room, but there was no smoke or flame. Sysadmin and fireman
#2 stayed outside looking thru the windows (floor to ceiling). Unknown to all,
the Inergen system alarm went off. The regular alarms were so noisy, no one
heard. Then the gas discharged. The windows bulged (engineers had not been sure
they would hold) and the doors sealed for several minutes due to
overpressurization of the room. When those inside were able to leave, none
could hear very well, but they all were breathing.

Turned out nothing was wrong, there was a fault in the system. We brought all
the systems back up with no problems.

Cyndi B.
Boise, ID

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