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Are you looking for a progress bar? Here's a link with 7 year-old code, but I am sure you can update it and use it, if it is what you are looking for. It is RPG, not CL, but perhaps you can figure out a way?


Gads, that code is terrible! I can't believe I ever wrote anything like that, and its only 7 years old. ah well, there it is if you can use it.

*c.chambers@xxxxxxx wrote:

I was using the CPYF only as an example. You got it right though when
you suggested I could put in a sliding bar - that is what I'm ultimately
trying to achieve.
At a more general level - let me try and explain the conundrum again :
how can I kick off a command in a CL program and then monitor the
progress of that command and show that to the user - is there some magic
technique or do I have to rewrite the command in a high level language
and output appropriate message at each record count ? Is this what QRY +
OPNQRYF is effectively doing ?

Chris Chambers

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