× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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I have been involved in a Scandinavian Application Change Management-system
where production is on i5_A and development is on i5_B.

From i5_A we use RUNRMTCMD to do all kind of management on i5_B and everything
works as designed under normal circumstances.

A simple test example removing an object on i5_B:
i5_A (Program: AAATESTA)
             Pgm    Parm(&Pgm)                                     
             Dcl    Var(&Cmd) Type(*Char) Len(512)                     
             Dcl    Var(&Pgm) Type(*Char) Len(10)                      
             ChgVar Var(&Cmd) Value(                             +      
                       'CALL PGM(TSTLIB/AAATESTB) Parm(' *Cat +   
                       &Pgm *Cat ')')                                  

             RunRmtCmd  Cmd(&Cmd) RmtLocName(TSTMAC *IP) +           
                          RmtUser('LG') RmtPwd('something')         

i5_B (Program: AAATESTB):
             Pgm  Parm(&Pgm)                                    
             Dcl    Var(&Pgm) Type(*Char) Len(10)                     
             Dcl    Var(&Lib) Type(*Char) Len(10) Value('TSTLIB')   

                    DltPgm        Pgm(&Lib/&Pgm) 

Unfortunately, one of the countries use special characters (ÆØÅ [equal to the US
chr's #@$ - IIRC]) in &Pgm - eg. AAATESTÆ (YES I talked with them in uppercase 
and REXECD returns with the following error:
String 'AAATESTÆ  ' contains a character that is not valid.
Error found on *N command.

If I - however use *SNA (AREXECD) instead of *IP (REXECD) the special chr's
is accepted - Dump info (*SNA):
Variable               Type        Length         Value                     
&PGM                 *CHAR    10       'AAATESTÆ  '              

As TCP/IP will live longer than APPN (I guess), I'm a little worried :-)

Can somebody explain why *IP don't accept special characters or come up with
a workaround using *IP ???

Btw: both i5's use CCSID 65535, and RunRmtCmd's parameter CCSID is *CALC.
Tried testing it with 277 (danish) but to no avail. The returned print was 
and the result still invalid.


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