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Hi, Dave:

I see no reason for putting QTEMP at the *bottom* of a library list, as a
general rule, but you pays your money and you takes your choice.

For us, the standard (as far as user profiles or job descriptions go) is to
put QTEMP at the top of the user portion of the list. The exception is for
programmers. In their cases, QTEMP is placed after the profile's
development library. This allows a programmer to place a data object with
modified data in his/her development library and test, without having to
change code that creates and populates the equivalent object in QTEMP. In
other words, situations where the existence of the object in the "higher"
library is conditional but in QTEMP expected.


Darrell A. Martin  -  630-754-2141
Manager, Computer Operations

midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 01/12/2007 08:36:10 AM:

Wow! QTEMP is ONLY used by the current job. Objects in that library have
to be created BY that job for use by that job ONLY. We ALWAYS have QTEMP
at the top of the user portion of the library list. I don't know of ANY
value for QTEMP that would place it at the end of the list... ???  What
am I missing here??


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