× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Thanks for the clear detailed response.
About your question:
I feel better in the Linux like scripts than in 
the CL which is new to me.
In addition, I need to execute a PC command with 
argument from my QSH script.
Anyhow, I shall ask my local CL gurus to help me
with this step.

Best regards,


--- Scott Klement <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Zvi,

QShell runs it's programs in a separate job. Your
current interactive job 
spawns a background job.  All of the work is done in
that background job, 
and the input/output from the background job is (by
default) connected to 
your interactive job using pipes.

This is done so that both jobs (or even more jobs if
you like) can run 

Unfortunately, the System i is not Unix, no matter
how much it might want 
to pretend to be.  A background job isn't connected
directly to a 5250 
terminal and therefore can't act like it's connected
directly to a 5250 

And that's exactly what STRPCCMD is -- it's a tool
that works with a 5250 
terminal.  When you issue STRPCCMD, i5/OS creates a
specially formatted 
"screen" containing the command.  It sends it to
your 5250 terminal 
emulator, which sees the special format of the
"screen", and instead of 
displaying it in front of you, it takes the command
and runs it on the 
local machine.

QShell can't do that because the program isn't
connected to the terminal! 
It can't format a special 5250 screen.  Granted, it
could send it to a 
pipe to be written out in the interactive job, but
then what happens when 
the pipe is redirected to a file or another program?
 Plus, inserting a 
5250-specific command into a Unix-like environment
doesn't really make 

QShell does have the rexec command -- which is a
Unix tool for running a 
remote command on another machine.  It's
significantly more powerful than 
STRPCCMD, but the issue with that is that you either
have to configure 
windows to accept commands without a userid/password
(which opens up the 
machine to commands from anyone without any
credentials -- though, I 
suppose you could restrict it with the firewall
config)  or you need to 
code a userid/password into a QShell script.  You
also have to set up the 
remote command server on every PC, which can be
extra hassle.

The main thing that puzzles me is this:  If you know
that you want 
STRPCCMD.  And you know you're using an i5/OS
environment -- why would you 
want to use QShell or PASE?  Why not simply use
STRPCCMD from a CL program 
in the interactive job?

Scott Klement  http://www.scottklement.com

On Sun, 26 Nov 2006, Zvi Kave wrote:

I am trying to activate PC command from QSH.
Something like:
STRPCCMD PCCMD('"C:\Program Files\progname.exe"')

Is there such a command from QSH or PASE ?



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