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Actually IBM already has such a program in place for LUGs. Both the Rochester and Toronto labs will provide speakers over the 'Net. I forget who is the focal point for the Rochester lab, perhaps Don or Glenn knows, but Alison Butterill is (was?) the lead for Toronto. This has been discussed and presented numerous times at the LUG meeting at COMMON conferences.

Don or Glenn, you got any contact emails for this?

        * Jerry C. Adams
*IBM System i5/iSeries Programmer/Analyst
B&W Wholesale Distributors, Inc.* *
        jerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

albartell wrote:

PHUN400 is officially closing due to lack of membership attendance and the
ability to get good speakers - according to the outgoing chairman.
I wonder if the lack of good speakers could be addressed by going the online
meeting route?  The company I work for has a decent amount of "virtual
office" going on and we bridge the gap by using gotomeeting.com on a daily
basis.  Wouldn't be too hard to do something like that for LUGs and you
could get speakers at a fraction of the cost (i.e. no travel/lodging/food),
and get them more frequently.  It would work similar to the RPG & Beyond Web
Conference I was a part of:

The only thing I didn't like about the RPG & Beyond experience is that it
isn't as interactive as it could be (i.e. people can only listen in and
provide feedback via text messages).  That could easily be solved by simply
doing a regular conf call though.

What would rock is if somebody at iSociety would take this as a challenge
and address it by creating a calendar of places and locations where "virtual
speakers" will be "showing up" at LUGs.  Actually, the right person/company
could run with this and make some nice jing by providing low cost training
at LUGs ;-)

Aaron Bartell

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