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It seems to me that performing a series of "steps" with verification 
between the steps is not a good candidate for a single CLP. I have been 
faced with similar situations, and in each case I found the best solution 
was to break the existing CLP into its component pieces. My method (to 
preserve setup stuff like the library list and overrides) is to copy the 
existing CL source as many times as there will be component steps, then 
for each component CL in turn delete the code that will be handled in 
other components.

perform A
perform B
perform C

perform A

perform B

perform C

Then, instead of running "Original":  submit NewA - verify -- submit NewB 
- verify -- submit NewC. Take care with the cleanup parts. You may need to 
include some of the cleanup in each new CLP, for things like DLTOVRs; but 
you won't want to do some things, like delete work files, until the end of 
the last program.


Darrell A. Martin  -  630-754-2187
Manager, Computer Operations

midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 09/27/2006 09:27:11 AM:

I've got a multi step job that is run only once at the end of each
fiscal year (this weekend).   Each step updates data related to standard
costs.   Each subsequent step is dependant on the success of the one
before it and I need to verify this by examining the data at each step
else I can end up with a real mess.

The job is designed to run in batch mode although it could be run
interactively since I will be the only one on the computer when it is

My question is what is a simple technique to pause the CLP after each
step of the job?

If I set it to run interactively I could add a simple program to put up
a display file which waits for the Enter key.   But I would like to keep
this in batch mode for speed.

Any suggestions?    Simple is better.


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