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On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Joe Pluta wrote:

From: James Rich

I prefer to use software that doesn't annoy me and does what I tell it to
do instead of what it thinks I might want.  If I want a letter capitalized
I will capitalize it.  Software is not supposed to control my life or my
spelling.  Let's not blame the english language or its evolution, but
instead let us focus on the problem:  poor software.

Now, now, James.  At no time did was I blaming the English language.  I was
blaming IBM for a really poor name on several fronts, not just the spelling
issue.  For example, your opinion about software doesn't help with the line
break between "System" and "i", unless of course you use software that
doesn't word wrap at the end of the line.  (That's possible, I suppose,
since you only want the software to do what you tell it to.)

And of course, it does nothing to help with the fact that the possessive and
plural forms are the same, unless we go to Systems i.

Yes, you are right, you didn't blame the english language. I misspoke. My point is that if some software makes writing something difficult blame the software, not what is being written. "System i" may well be a bad name, but software should not get in the way of your writing it.

btw - funny you should mention software that doesn't wrap at the end of lines. Point well made. But it turns out I do often use software that doesn't wrap at the end of lines. And I really enjoy it :)

James Rich

It's not the software that's free; it's you.
        - billyskank on Groklaw

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