× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

RGZPFM reorganizes the member of a physical file.  The "contents" of
logical file members over the physical file member are adjusted to match
the contents of the physical file member.

For simplicities sake assume physical file PF has a single member and
logical files LF and LF2 also have single members.  Logical files LF and
LF2 is based on physical file PF (LF and LF2 provide access paths to the
data in PF).  

Further LF2 include only records with a Y in the third field of PF and
LF does not.  If the data in PF is viewed through LF2 only records with
Y in the third field of PF are seen.  If data in PF is viewed through LF
all records in PF are seen.

Now, assume all records in PF that have a Y in the third field of PF are
deleted.  If the data in PF is viewed through LF2 no records are seen
since they have been deleted.  If data in PF is viewed through LF all
remaining records in PF are seen.  

You now run command RGZPFM for PF.  RGZPFM reclaims the disk space of
the deleted records in PF and reorganized PF in the specified manner.
Viewing data through LF and LF2 will be the same as before the physical
file member reorganization.

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Brian Piotrowski
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 1:25 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Physical and Logical File Reorganizing Questions

Hi All,


When I'm performing a reorganize on files, do I need to do it on both
the physical and logical files, or only on the physical file?


Let's say I have three files in the system:


ABC123 - PF (1000 records)

ABC123A - LF (250 records)

ABC123B - LF (95 records)


I deleted 50 records out of ABC123 (950 records remaining).  Of those 50
records deleted, 25 of them were also in ABC123A and 5 records were also
in ABC123B.


Two questions:


1) If the same records were contained in the LFs (as indicated by 25 and
5 respectively), will they be updated by having the records deleted out
of them as well?

2) If #1 is yes, do I need to perform a reorganize on the logical files


The reason I'm asking is that we have several physical files (and many
more child LFs) that need to be pruned every few months or they hog disk
space like crazy.  I'm going to rewrite our quarterly batch job to clean
up these files, and I want to ensure that all files will be cleaned.






Brian Piotrowski

Specialist - I.T.

Simcoe Parts Service, Inc.

PH: 705-435-7814

FX: 705-435-6746



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