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If I try to debug a CLP program with STRDBG OPMSRC(*YES)  The debugger
starts but there are no breakpoints, nor a place to set them, that I can

That means that you didn't compile the program with debugging support.

What I have done is to change the source from CLP to CLLE, compile it, and
then start the debugger, find my problems, fix them, and then change the
source back to CLP.  That seems pretty bush league to me.  I should be smart
enough to debug CLP, right?

You can do the same thing with OPM as you do with ILE, the syntax is just a little different. It's not necessary to convert the thing to CLLE just to use the debugger.

In ILE, you'd use: DBGVIEW(*SOURCE)  to reference the source when debugging
                or DBGVIEW(*LIST)    to include the compile list in the obj

To do the same thing in OPM, you'd use OPTION(*SRCDBG)
                                    or OPTION(*LSTDBG)

So the syntax is slightly different, but they're basically the same. You have to specify OPMSRC(*YES) on the STRDBG command with either of these options.

Converting it to ILE just for debugging is definitely "bush league". If you want to make it ILE, that's fine, but make it ILE forever and keep it that way, don't convert it to/from ILE just for debugging.

If you want to keep it OPM, use OPTION(*SRCDBG) or OPTION(*LSTDBG) and you'll have the same capabilities that ILE gives you.

The question I was asking is: How does one use the debugger for CLP?

Same way you do for ILE. The syntax of the compile command to include the source is just slightly different.

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