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Let me try that question a slightly different way. Currently the DB is maintaining 344 PFs and 750 LFs. If we double those numbers, what affect will it have on performance? I would have to believe that if the DB has to 'watch' over twice as many PFs and LFs, it would have to take some sort of toll on the system. I am just looking for some rough estimate on how much, if any. I do understand what you are saying though. And it makes sense. Just trying to cover my a** with the powers that be at work.


Wilt, Charles wrote:

 The number of objects really doesn't matter as there is really
 nothing to "maintain" unless the object is being used in some manner.

 So it doesn't matter if you have 5 people using 10 out of 100 objects
 or 5 people using 10 out of 1000 objects

 The system performance will be basically the same.

 Having said that, it looks like you'll want to watch your DASD usage
 when you create the new libraries. The changes in the amount of DASD
 usage is the only real performance impact.


 Charles Wilt -- iSeries Systems Administrator / Developer Mitsubishi
 Electric Automotive America ph: 513-573-4343 fax: 513-398-1121

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