× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Excellent points all!  Simple, yet a lot of food for thought.

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755

"Jon Paris" <Jon.Paris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
03/01/2005 12:58 PM
Please respond to
Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Jim Cooper <Jim.Cooper@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, jim.hawkins@xxxxxxxxxxx
RE: Time to get serious

2) How much focus should be placed on RPG II and the cycle?  How much is
it being used in your shop?

Zero RPG II.  And even less RPG III <grin>.  The cycle should be an "you 
see this in your travels" at the _end_ of an RPG IV course.

3) Should there be more emphasis on RPG IV and ILE?

Why would you teach anything _but_ RPG IV?  If they learn IV they can
understand III.  Let me phrase this as a question - when you teach them VB
do you teach them version 3 of VB?  Version 4? If not, then why would you
teach an even _older_ version of RPG.  RPG III was replaced over 10 years
ago.  To continue to teach it is nuts in my opinion.

5) How important are specific languages verses the ability to learn
languages and understand the business processes?

If the student has an aptitude for programming then they will learn 
languages easily.  If they do not have aptitude then you'd better hope 
can learn the business process.

6) Any other thoughts?

Talk to Jim Cooper of Lambton College about the updates he made to his RPG
classes.  There's no reason to force students into the green screen world.
I honestly believe this is one of the problems with a lack of RPG 
When you could be learning VB, .Net and other cool web things, why on 
would _any_ student want to sign up for boring old green screens and 
RPG II/III?  It makes no sense.  If you want to make it attractive, have
them build Web Interactions with WDSC, client-server GUI with VisualAge 
RPG, web applications using CGIDEV2 and RPG, etc. etc.

Make subprocedures a major focus of the RPG classes.  What they learn will
apply to any language.

Jon Paris

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