I'll remember that. What happened is that our tape declared itself as partially damaged and that's where it hung - with no MSGW. IBM sent me these instructions: ... The QTADMPDV tape flight recorders / VLOGs are being requested by development in the above CPS issue - as are a job trace and a fully logging joblog. ... To collect call stack information ONLY when and if the sav job fails again, please use the following instructions -> -STRSST -Sign on with a service tool user and password -Option 1. Start a service tool -Option 4. Display/Alter/Dump -Option 2. Dump to printer -Option 2. Licensed Internal Code (LIC) data -Option 14. Advanced analysis -On the 'Select Advanced Analysis Command' screen, page down until 'TASKINFO' is seen under the Command column - option 1 to select it -> Enter -On the 'Specify Advanced Analysis Options' screen, type the following -> -names xxxxxx -f a -tf 2 Where xxxxxx is the job name for the sav job in question. -On the 'Specify Dump Title' screen, press enter Use this step several times -> -You will be returned to the 'Specify Advanced Analysis Options' screen, press enter again - then enter again on the 'Specify Dump Title' screen. These will produce spool files under your interactive job that entered into System Service Tools which used the above instructions. ********************************************************************* To collect a job trace for the nightly sav jobs, use the following command every day prior to leaving for the day (assuming the sav job has the same name which is unique and assuming the save job starts after you leave for the day) -> -STRTRC SSNID(TRACE1) JOB((*ALL/*ALL/SAVJOBNAME)) MAXSTG(500000) Replace the SAVJOBNAME with the name of the save job in question.. assuming the save job name has the same name every time. When you arrive back to work the next day and either the save completed or the save failed, use the following command to end the trace -> -ENDTRC SSNID(TRACE1) DTALIB(YOURLIB) Replace the YOURLIB with the name of the data library you would like to dump the data to. When the failure occurs, use the following command to print the data -> -SBMJOB CMD(PRTTRC DTAMBR(TRACE1) DTALIB(YOURLIB)) JOB(PRTTRC) Replace the YOURLIB with the name of the data library where the trace data exists (above step) ... Rob Berendt -- Group Dekko Services, LLC Dept 01.073 PO Box 2000 Dock 108 6928N 400E Kendallville, IN 46755 http://www.dekko.com "John Brandt Sr." <pgmr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx 12/02/2004 03:13 PM Please respond to Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> To "'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> cc Subject RE: CODING that locks backup Rob, If you can catch the job while it is hung up and display it, the program stack would help track down the issue. John Brandt iStudio400.com (903) 523-0708 Home of iS/ODBC - MSSQL access from iSeries and RPG. -----Original Message----- From: rob@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:rob@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 2:07 PM To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion Subject: RE: CODING that locks backup Thank you. Obviously wasn't it for our case: PTF status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Temporarily applied Status date/time . . . . . . . . . . . : 07/24/04 11:18:53 Rob Berendt -- Group Dekko Services, LLC Dept 01.073 PO Box 2000 Dock 108 6928N 400E Kendallville, IN 46755 http://www.dekko.com "John Brandt Sr." <pgmr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx 12/02/2004 02:15 PM Please respond to Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> To "'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> cc Subject RE: CODING that locks backup Problem Summary ********************************************************* * PROBLEM: (SE15861) Licensed Program = 5722SS1 * * Looping Condition * ********************************************************* * USERS AFFECTED: All OS/400 iSeries NetServer users * * for 510/520. * * All i5/0S iSeries NetServer users for * * 530. * ********************************************************* * RECOMMENDATION: Apply PTF SI14245 for 510. * * Apply PTF SI14301 for 520. * * Apply PTF SI14265 for 530. * ********************************************************* Or, if you want the long, long version, it could be any one or combination of these: PTF Release Abstract SI05670 520 OSP-MSGMCH0601-F/QPWFSRP QZLSFILE WHEN EXIT PGM REGISTERED SI15854 520 OSP-MSGCPIB683-RC6 RC3423 NETSERVER FAILS TO START SI15927 530 OSP-MSGCPIB683-RC6 RC3423 NETSERVER FAILS TO START MF29878 510 LIC-JOB QZLSFILE USING HIGH CPU AND CANNOT BE ENDED SI07504 510 OSP-DB-JRN-WAIT Jobs waiting in MTXW and LCKW in QJOGENJD MF29546 520 OSP QZLSFILE JOB WILL NOT END SI07503 520 OSP-DB-JRN-WAIT Jobs waiting in MTXW and LCKW in QJOGENJD SI14301 520 OSP-LOOP QZLSFILE JOB LOOPING AND MAY NOT END MF26269 440 OSP AS/400 NETSERVER HAS SLOW DOWN OR FAILS TO RESPOND MF25212 440 LIC NETSERVER DIRECTORY LISTING DOES NOT SHOW ALL FILES MF24644 440 LIC-SRCB6000317 SYSTEM FAILED VIEWING QOPT FILE WITH NETSERV MF30816 510 LIC - NETSERVER TEMPORARY STORAGE LEAK MF29011 510 OSP QZLSFILE JOB WILL NOT END MF30248 510 LIC TEMPORARY STORAGE LEAK IN NETSERVER AND FILE SERVER MF30682 520 LIC - NETSERVER TEMPORARY STORAGE LEAK SI14265 530 OSP-LOOP QZLSFILE JOB LOOPING AND MAY NOT END MF22737 440 LIC - QZLSFILE JOBS WILL NOT END OR IN CONTINUOUS RUN STATUS MF23103 440 LIC - QZLSFILE JOBS TAKE LONG TIME TO END SI14802 520 OSP-INCORROUT QP0LROR API returns incorrect reference counts MF23155 440 LIC - NETSERVER RETURNS PARTIAL LIST AFTER USING MSWORD SI14245 510 OSP-LOOP QZLSFILE JOB LOOPING AND MAY NOT END MF24541 440 F/QPWFSRP-MSGMCH0601 IN AS/400 NETSERVER QZLSFILE JOB SI10956 520 OSP File Server copy fails when target location is a dir MF23435 440 LIC 16BIT APPLICATION RECEIVES FILE LOCK ERRORS FROM NETSERV MF23529 440 LIC-INCORROUT UNREADABLE DATA USING TEXT CONVERTING SHARE SI13248 520 OSP-MSGCPDA0A9-RC6 UNABLE TO ACCESS IFS DIRECTORIES MF29657 520 LIC WINDOWS 98 ACCESSING ISERIES NETSERVER HANGS MF26268 440 OSP AS/400 NETSERVER HAS SLOW DOWN OR FAILS TO RESPOND MF25092 440 LIC-INCORROUT WIN2000 MSBACKUP TO AS/400 NETSERVER MF23071 440 LIC-COMM-TCPIP NETSERVER DEVICE DOES NOT EXIST ON THE NETWOR MF23039 440 OSP-SRCB6005121 NETSERVER STACK CORRUPTION MF23339 440 LIC-MSGMCH3601 BROWSING NETSERVER DRIVE WITH ADOBE MF24608 450 OSP-SRCB6005121 AS/400 NETSERVER STACK CORRUPTION MF24433 450 LIC-MSGMCH3601 BROWSING NETSERVER SHARE WITH WINDOWS NT MF22283 440 LIC-INCORROUT SOFTWARE PROBLEM IN QPWFSRP MF24831 440 LIC-UNPRED SRCB6005121 DURING AS/400 NETSERVER OPERATION SF60551 440 OSP HUNG JOB WHEN USING DRAG AND DROP TO COPY DIRECTORY TREE MF23940 440 LIC-MSGMCH3601 BROWSING NETSERVER SHARE WITH WINDOWS NT MF25236 450 LIC-INCORROUT WIN2000 MSBACKUP TO AS/400 NETSERVER John Brandt iStudio400.com (903) 523-0708 Home of iS/ODBC - MSSQL access from iSeries and RPG. -----Original Message----- From: rob@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:rob@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 12:50 PM To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion Subject: RE: CODING that locks backup Pray tell - which PTF's? Rob Berendt -- Group Dekko Services, LLC Dept 01.073 PO Box 2000 Dock 108 6928N 400E Kendallville, IN 46755 http://www.dekko.com "John Brandt Sr." <pgmr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx 12/02/2004 01:45 PM Please respond to Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> To "'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> cc Subject RE: CODING that locks backup It is the network neighborhood support that is hanging. PTF's will fix it. John Brandt iStudio400.com (903) 523-0708 Home of iS/ODBC - MSSQL access from iSeries and RPG. -----Original Message----- From: Dwayne Allison [mailto:Dwayne.Allison@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 12:36 PM To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion Subject: RE: CODING that locks backup Thank, This is all we got from the job log. I glad someone works at a company that think backup is important. We have the "As long as I don't have to do it, but when I have to do it we need it fixed" method. I tried to get to the website, but I guess I am blocked. -----Original Message----- From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Elvis Budimlic Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 11:09 AM To: 'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion' Subject: RE: CODING that locks backup Dwayne, Did you copy this off of the job's call stack? If you did, can you include the entire call stack and post it here? At the first glance I'd say it may be related to IFS processing somehow. I remember seeing some errors with FSNewConversation relating to IFS (perhaps home-built NetServer exit point program?). I found an APAR mentioning FSNewConversation but am not sure if it directly relates to what you are seeing: http://www-912.ibm.com/n_dir/nas4apar.NSF/1be1a5b61b213a6c86256c23007048f4/4 059ca8f296f0c0c86256ea6004f1923?OpenDocument&Highlight=0,fsnewconversation BTW, three months to find the lock culprit seems excessive (unless I misunderstood the timing, then I apologize for this comment). <commercial > Company I work for, Centerfield Technology, has a lock/DETECTOR tool that could have helped you track the culprit much sooner. </commercial> HTH, Elvis. -----Original Message----- From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dwayne Allison Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 10:37 AM To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion Subject: CODING that locks backup Hello All, About three month ago I put a backup monitoring program in place. This was great because every night the backup would get locked and by the time we found out it was to late to run the nightly cycle. To make a long story short we still have locks and we finally found out what was doing it. There's a program running on the system that has some code we don't understand. Can anyone help us out before we end the jobs. The code is : send_query_w_res_send__FP9MX_work_sPci FSNewConversation__FP9FS_ReqRep Thanks -- This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing list To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options, visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/midrange-l or email: MIDRANGE-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l. -- This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing list To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options, visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/midrange-l or email: MIDRANGE-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l. -- This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing list To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options, visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/midrange-l or email: MIDRANGE-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l. --- Incoming mail is certified Virus Free. 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