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Hi Walden,

> Um, if I can still delete fine against other windows servers (and to the
> best of my knowledge, samba servers on Linux) wouldn't it be more likely
> that the culprit was IBM's implementation of the SMB protocol?

IBM's implementation of the SMB protocol has problems, I'll agree, but
it's not the culprit here.  If it were, the other filesystems would fail
too, instead of just QDLS.

The problem, depending on how you look at it, is either with the way IBM
implemented QDLS or with the change to Windows. Originally, Windows just
sent a delete request, but after applying hotfix Q812937, Windows will
send a change attribute request and a delete request.The problem is that
the change attribute request marks the QDLS file as "in use" and the
delete therefore fails.

Here's IBM's explanation:

You could say "It's Microsoft's fault for changing something that worked
properly before!" or you could say "It's IBM's fault for creating QDLS a
way that doesn't work exactly like Windows does."

I'm inclined to blame QDLS myself...  I've always had lots of problems
with QDLS, no matter what I've used it for.  I've had to write workarounds
into programs I don't know how many times...  I've had to take the system
down and use RCLDLO because programs somehow get QDLS into a bad state.
I've had locks on files in QDLS that wouldn't go away until an IPL.

And that's without mentioning the 8.3 limit, the speed of QDLS, the
irritation of having to manually add a directory entry for everyone...

Folks, upgrade your technology to something from the mid-90s and stop
using QDLS!

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