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The QDOC library can only hold save history information on about 349,000
objects, if you have more than that (in one ASP) you will get a message(in
your SAVDLO joblog) that the save history area is full but you will be able
to successfully save or restore the document.  

The folder limit is a hard limit though. (65,535 docs, I think)  When a
folder fills up you can't put any more docs into it.
PMSC(Point) is an application that I am aware of that had problems dealing
with this limitation.

RCLDLO will only help if you have damaged DLO's.

If the object is actually getting restored (as CPF3856 states) you probably
have the first situation.  We have successfully saved and restored 800,000
documents in a single ASP, but the joblogs are filled with messages like

If the object QDOC/RBLS374806 is a folder with about 65,000 DLO's in it you
will likely need to create a new folder or archive some documents.


Scott Ingvaldson
AS/400 System Administrator
GuideOne Insurance Group

-----Original Message-----
date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 12:34:36 -0600
from: David Gibbs <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Error restoring DLO objects -- "library full"?


I'm working with a person who is having problems getting DLO object 
restored.  They are getting the following errors in their joblog ...

CPF3856 -- DOC RBLS374806 in QDOC restored. Object information not 
updated.  Library RBLS374806 is full and cannot contain any more objects.
CPF3874 -- System name RBLS374806 also known as <docname>

I'm assuming that this indicates that the QDLS file system is full for 
some reason.  The person has indicated that they cannot delete enough 
DLO objects to make the restore work.

They are on V4R5.

Would a RCLDLO or RCLSTG help?

Any suggestions?



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