× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

First and foremost the backup and recovery guide actually has a checklist 
for doing exactly what you want to do.  I don't mean the checklist for a 
complete restore.  I mean the one for moving to a new system.  Follow it 
very carefully.

In theory you should be able to complete the restore, do a WRKHDWRSC *CMN 
and a WRKLIND and match up the new resource names.  However, if you are 
using some sort of EDI package that regen's the line on a regular basis 
you might have to step through their menu's and change the resource names 
there also.

As far as bi-sync and SNA go, I wouldn't waste your time trying to learn 
them.  They're good for what they do, but the world is moving on.  You 
should be able to support the existing by limping along.  If time were 
unlimited, I would say, sure learn it.  However your time would be better 
served by learning something else.  Your company would probably be better 
served by just calling your EDI software vendor, or IBM on your support 
contract, if some existing process blows up.

Now I expect the SNA fans to come screaming.  And if you still insist on 
learning, then perhaps they can be of assistance.

Rob Berendt
"All creatures will make merry... under pain of death."
-Ming the Merciless (Flash Gordon)

Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
12/18/2003 10:48 AM
Please respond to
Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


Fax to

Forklift upgrade effect on communications?


We're getting ready to replace our current 830 with a new 810.

Planning on a save/restore to new system.  We'll be keeping the system 
the same but of course will have a new serial number.  We do a 
amount of dial-up comms using bi-sync and SNA protocols.  Is there 
to be concerned about as far as communions, system directory, and/or
anything else?

As an aside, I'm new here and one thing I'm lacking is experience with
bi-sync and SNA comms.  My last position was new to the 400 so we were 
TCP/IP for just about everything.  Can anybody recommend books, links, ect
to help get me up to speed?

Charles Wilt
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