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Don't fret about the attrition charge Paul.  COMMON charges all attendees 
who do not stay at a conference hotel an extra $100.  So they don't care 

Actually this sounds reasonable.  My wife just returned from a 
scrapbooking weekend.  If you didn't stay at the hotel, you were charged 
an extra $10 for the paltry conference room they had.

Granted, if you live two blocks from the hotel you might feel ripped, but 
they gotta pay for the conference rooms somehow.

And the person who suggested that COMMON attendance might drop if the cost 
of lodging continues to exceed the conference, SSHHHH!  We don't want 
COMMON to try to solve that problem by increasing the cost of the 
conference.  :-)

Rob Berendt
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." 
Benjamin Franklin 

Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
09/22/2003 08:28 AM
Please respond to Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
        To:     midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
        Fax to: 
        Subject:        COMMON hotels

My plan is to go low ball on the lodging, and have a rental car for the 
times when I want to go out. Anybody care to join me?

To the list: 

I hope nobody misinterpreted the above statement to mean that I am 
planning to stay at a non-conference hotel. I intend to get my 
registration in early enough to be able to stay at the least expensive 
conference hotel.

In order to avoid the attrition charges imposed by hotels for not 
occupying all of the rooms to which COMMON commits for its conferences, 
all attendees should stay at one of the hotels listed in the registration 

Sorry for the confusion.

Paul Nelson
Arbor Solutions, Inc.
708-670-6978  Cell

"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest." 
Samuel L. Clemens  (Mark Twain)
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